Xiping Shen

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Xiping Shen, Ph.D.candidate, Lecturer

Tel.:  +86-0931-8915008

E-mail: shenxp@lzu.edu.cn


2013-present   Ph.D.candidate, Environmental science, College of Earth Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University

2005-2008    Master’s Degree, Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Lanzhou University

1998-2002    Bachelor’s Degree, College of Computer Science and Technology, Northwest Normal University


2002-2008   Teaching Assistant, School of Pubic Health, Lanzhou Universuty, Gansu province

2009-present  Lecturer, School of Pubic Health, Lanzhou Universuty, Gansu province

2007/03-2007/07   further study in School of Pubic Health, Sun Yat-Sen Universuty, GuangZhou province

2010/06-2010/09   Visiting Scholar in Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biological Statistics, Mcmaster University, Canada

Research Interests

I am currently conducting research in statistical methodology with applications in epidemiology and bioinformatics.

Academic Projects

CMB project

Knowledge translation via mobile phone text messaging (TM2kt) to health workers in rural China: A cluster randomized trial

Representative Achievements

Book: Medical statistics with SPSS, associate editor.

Selected papers:

1.Shen Xi-ping,Ding Jian-sheng,Li Juan-sheng, Liu Xiao-ning, Li Jiang-hong,Mi You-jun. 2-Independent-samples t test Undertaking by the means of mean and standard deviation in SPSS.  Modern Preventive Medicine. 2007,34(21):4066-4067.

2.Shen Xi-ping,Qi-haiping, Liu xiaoning. The Realization of  Mean Rank’s Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons of Friedman M Test by Using SPSS Software. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics. 2013,30(4):611-613.

3.Shen Xi-ping,Yu Ai-ling,Bai Ya-na,Yue Xiong,Yang Ming-yu,Ren Xiao-wei,Li Juan-sheng.Analysis on high risk behavior of needle sharing and its influence factors among injection drug users of Gansu . Chinese Journal of Health Statistics . 2012,29(4):565-567.

4.Shen Xi-ping. The Solution of Hypothesis Test of Randomized Sample Means without Original Variable Data in SPSS Software.CMFD.

5.Shen Xiping,Qi Hai-ping,Liu xiao-ning,Ren Xiao-wei,Li juan-sheng. The Realization of  Two-way Non-parametric ANOVA by Using SPSS Software. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics. 2013,30(6):913-914.