Xiaoning Liu

updateTime:2018-10-11   fontSize:T|T

Xiaoning Liu, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Tel.: +86-0931-13893346484

E-mail: liuxn@lzu.edu.cn


2008.09-2012.06  Xi’an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Major in epidemiology & health statistics, Ph.D. of medicine

2001.09-2004.06  Lanzhou Medical College, Major in Occupational & Environmental Health, Master of medicine

1989.09-1994.06  Lanzhou Medical College, Major in prevention medicine, Bachelor of medicine


2004.07-present   Lanzhou University, School of Public Health, Lecturer/Associated Prof.

1994.07-2001.08  Lanshi Hospital,  Resident in Medicine

Teaching Courses

Advanced health statistics (Graduate course)

Health statistics/ Medical statistics (Undergraduate course)

Professional Service

Member of Health Statistics Branch of Chinese Medical Association

Research Interests

Evaluation of population health services utilization

Application of statistic methods in medical research

Academic Projects

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.lzujbky-2011-90 and Grant No. lzujbky-2017-89), Host.

Humanities and social foundation of the ministry of education of China (Grant No.15XJC910001), Participation.

National "Twelfth Five Year Plan" science and technology support program (Grant No. 2009ZX10004-208-004), Participation.

NIH project (Grant No. 1R24TW009563-01), Participation.

Representative Achievements

1.  Xiaoning Liu, Lei Meng, Juansheng Li,etc. Etiological epidemiology of viral diarrhea on the basis of sentinel surveillance in children younger than 5 years in Gansu, Northwest China, 2009-2013. Journal of medical virology.2015,DOI 10.1002 (IF: 2.47)

2.  Xiaoning Liu, Wenlong Gao, Hong Yan. Measuring and decomposing the inequality of maternal health services utilization in Western China Rural China[ J]. BMC Health Services Research,2014,14:102  (IF:1.77)

3.  Xiaoning Liu, Xiaoyan Zhou, Hong Yan, et al. Use of maternal healthcare services in 10 provinces of rural western China [J]. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 2011, 114(3): 206-264. (IF:1.76)

4.  Xiaoning Liu, Hong Yan, Duolao Wang. The evaluation of “Safe Motherhood” program on maternal care utilization in rural western China: a difference in difference approach [J]. BMC Public Health, 2010,10:566. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-566. (IF:2.34)

5.  Xiaoning Liu, Hong Yan, Qiang Li, et al. Prevalence, awareness, Treatment and control of hypertension in rural areas of Hanzhong, South of Shaanxi province, China [J]. Cardiology, 2011,120,suppl(1):7-8 (meeting abstract)(IF:1.87)

6. Gao W, Liu Xiaoning, Yan H. Prevalence of diarrhea among children less than 36 months of age in rural western China [J]. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014;91(6):1197-1202.

7.Xiaowei Ren*, Yuefeng Li, Xiaoning Liu, Xiping Shen, Wenlong Gao, JuanshengLi. Computational Identification of Antigenicity-Associated Sites in the Hemagglutinin Protein of A/H1N1 Seasonal Influenza Virus [J]. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(5):e0126742.