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School of Public Health Held the Cycling Campaign for AIDS Prevention

updateTime:2018-12-11 fontSize:T|T
The AIDS prevention propaganda cycling team organized by the Young Volunteers Association of Lanzhou University School of Public Health has become a beautiful landscape in the Yuzhong Campus on November 24, 2018.

The 55 riders attending the event were undergraduates studying at Lanzhou University. They formed a 'red ribbon for cycling ' to promote the importance of preventing AIDS to teachers and students. The cycling phalanx is led by the students of sports department. It not only promotes the knowledge of AIDS prevention, but also shows the style of our school.

Members of the Youth League and Sports Department also promoted AIDS prevention knowledge to the passing students in the Vision Square, and appealed to the students to enhance their self-protection awareness, correctly understand of AIDS, and care for AIDS patients. AIDS prevention, we are in action together.
Fighting AIDS is just like stepping on a bicycle. Everyone can do it. We hope that through this activity, everyone will participate to share the responsibility of AIDS prevention, the right of health, and build a healthy China.